your relationship with

"A solution-focussed approach to overcoming emotional eating"

Your desired outcome is to feel in control of your eating, your body and your life.

if that sounds about right, then keep on reading.

What would changing your relationship with food mean to you?

Transforming your relationship with food and your body would mean the ability to:

Feel comfortable eating around others

To actively plan, shop for and prepare meals

To feel in control again of your eating, your body and your life

These transformational changes would involve letting go negative self talk, negative body image, restrictions, forbidden foods and fad diets

Course Description

This is a 12 week series of workshops for anyone feeling helpless about their relationship with food and it’s effect on their body and self esteem.  If you’re fed up with counting calories, constantly disappointed by the number on the scale, weary of diet after diet, and generally feeling that your solutions are not working, then you’re in the right place.

Reaching for food whenever you’re feeling anything good or bad is a learned behaviour. Eating for comfort is a natural human response and perfectly okay. Comfort eating and emotional eating is often only a problem when is becomes the only way of coping with stressors and uncomfortable emotions

These coping patterns can be worked through and replaced with healthier, more supportive responses, with coping strategies tailored directly to your individual needs. This is not a quick fix. Change takes time. If you’re willing to give yourself this bit of time and take this opportunity to work through and process your relationship with food, your body, yourself and others in a meaningful way, you would be taking active steps towards freeing yourself from emotional eating.

The program is designed around 6 modules, with ‘weekly’ sessions incorporated over 12 weeks.  While you’re encouraged to take the full 12 weeks to complete the program, we also understand that things can get in the way and also that some might want to pace themselves differently.  For this reason, you will have access to the program for an additional 6 weeks (18 weeks in total),  which means you can pace and revisit aspects of the program according to your needs.


Over the course of 12 weeks, I will be turning up each week to coach you through each module and session.  The course is limited to 12 people to provide us with opportunity to work closely with you in a small group setting.

Ready for your transformation??

Over the next 12 weeks

6 Modules consisting of 3 sessions each, 18 in total

Weekly group coaching to actively support the changes you’re making

Access to your particular group’s Facebook page (which is a private and closed group) for additional support.

Get ready to reclaim your life and
transform your relationship with

In the 12 weekly workshops we will help you to understand your unique relationship with food, identify your feelings, neutralize your inner critic and begin to make the changes you need to ditch that dieting cycle forever.

you're in control of eating, your body and ultimately your life.

Click the button for more information

have a question?

Frequently Asked Questions

Recordings will be made available, plus you will have the opportunity to put forward any questions you have beforehand.

You will have access to the program, together with the weekly coaching for 12 weeks.  Following this, you will continue having access to the course for a further 6 weeks, so 18 weeks in total.

The weekly coaching webinars /workshops will take place using Teams.  It is optional whether you choose to use the video function or remain on audio.  You can ask questions using the video, audio or chat functions. You can also sign in using a nickname if you prefer.

We have a team of psychologists, psychotherapists, dietitians and eating disorder recovery coaches who are passionate about helping people transform their relationships with food. These options could be discussed where appropriate.

Should you wish to discuss whether this program is a good fit for you, please email me on